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Cryo Chamber

Welcome to the surveillance society

Welcome to the surveillance society.

That’s what the American Civil Liberties Union concluded Tuesday with a report chronicling government spying and the detention of groups and individuals “for doing little more than peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights.”

“Our review of these practices has found that Americans have been put under surveillance or harassed by [...]


Today’s Supreme Court ruling in the Second Amendment Foundation’s challenge of the Chicago handgun ban is “our call to action, page ” said SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb.

“This morning’s high court ruling clearly shows that the right of the individual citizen to have a gun is constitutionally protected in every corner of [...]

The Supreme Court could extend gun rights Monday

In eagerly awaited rulings, the nation’s highest court is expected to decide the constitutionality of a national board that polices auditors of public companies and whether gun rights extend to every state and city in the nation.

Chief Justice John Roberts has already announced that Monday will be the last day of the 2009-10 term. [...]


Alan M. Gottlieb, approved founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, viagra approved will join attorney Alan Gura and Chicago resident Otis McDonald on the steps of the United States Supreme Court on Monday, clinic June 28 to hear the court’s ruling in the historic McDonald v. City of Chicago gun rights [...]

New Bill Gives Obama ‘Kill Switch’ To Shut Down The Internet

The federal government would have “absolute power” to shut down the Internet under the terms of a new US Senate bill being pushed by Joe Lieberman, clinic legislation which would hand President Obama a figurative “kill switch” to seize control of the world wide web in response to a Homeland Security directive.

“The legislation says [...]

Kagan’s threat to gun owners

President Obama poses a real and present danger to the Second Amendment, and he’s working to pack the Supreme Court with justices who will undermine Americans’ gun rights.

Mr. Obama didn’t fess up to this radical agenda when running for the highest office in the land. “I have said consistently that I believe that the [...]

Reject Newest Attack on Second Amendment

The gun control fanatics in Congress are at it again, capitalizing on the public’s media- and government-induced fear of terrorism and contrived anecdotes to promote their watch list and gun control/gun-grabbing measures for all Americans.

In early May there was a hearing in the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs that gave perennial [...]

More Guns Mean Less Crime

In the new edition of More Guns, pharm Less Crime, drugs economist John R. Lott, Jr., easily dispels any lingering doubt that allowing citizens to carry concealed handguns is strongly associated with—if not a direct cause for—lowering the rates of violent crime.

“The hypothesis that more guns connects to less crime has stood up against [...]

The U.N. Gun Grabber

American gun owners might not feel besieged, but they should. This week, the Obama administration announced its support for the United Nations Small Arms Treaty. This international agreement poses real risks for freedom both in the United States and around the world by making it more difficult – if not outright illegal – for law-abiding [...]

3 Factors Lead To Gun Control

Call me cynical, this web but whenever I hear anti-gun politicians talk about these issues nowadays, I’ve come to expect a new thinly-veiled assault on our Second Amendment freedoms.

Either they want to ban our guns, track our guns . . .

. . . Or track us.

Well, after years of watching our illegal [...]