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Cryo Chamber

Washington Post to publish info of national security nature.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence has released a warning seemingly aimed at a Washington Post article (to be released July 19th) which would provide an interactive map of government facilities, buy more about contractors and other entities involved in Top Secret operations, this site as well as their relationships to each other, [...]

Second Amendment Infringed On By Gov’t.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent 5-4 decision in McDonald v. City of Chicago upheld an individual’s right to privately own a handgun in Chicago. This decision reflected a similar ruling two years ago when the court struck down a handgun ban in the District of Columbia.

However, the McDonald decision effectively guaranteed the constitutional right [...]

IRS targeting gun owners for punitive taxation?

The U.S. federal government collected $20.6 billion in taxes on alcohol, tobacco, firearms and ammunition in fiscal year 2009, up 41 percent from the previous fiscal year.

In October 2009, firearms and ammunition excise tax collection climbed 45 percent from the previous fiscal year, the greatest annual increase in the firearms tax revenue in the [...]

Nugent:Gun Rights Keep Americans Safe

In a world increasingly hellbent on abandoning logic and the ensuing escalation of Obama madness, it is clearly time for the maximum celebration of the good old, always reliable Uncle Ted crowbar of logic.

I am ThumpMaster, hear me roar.

In the otherwise universally recognized perfection of the American experiment in self-government, where evil monsters [...]

Why Do I Need a Rifle?

You have done your research and selected a full size open carry pistol and compact concealed carry pistol . You have received professional instruction in the serious use of these weapons. You are now confident in your ability to defend yourself and your loved ones and that confidence is based upon skill not illusion. Have [...]

Gun-Rights Case Reveals One True “Constitutional” Justice

By a five to four majority last week, visit web the United States Supreme Court ruled that neither a state nor a city acting under a grant of authority from the state, sickness can deny a person the right to possess a firearm as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Interestingly, of that [...]

Thomas Is Right: Guns Preserve Life, Liberty

Gun advocates can thank two African-American men for the significant roles they played in this week’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling that affirmed U.S. citizens’ right to own a gun for self-defense wherever they live.

Justice Clarence Thomas’ vote in favor of the ruling in McDonald vs. Chicago was steeped in the 14th Amendment and the [...]

Chicago tries to get around Sup. Court ruling with… more rules.

Here are some of the ridiculous new rules and comments coming out of Chicago after the historic decision by the US Supreme Court to acknowledge the Bill of Right across all states.

“…as of right now you can have a number or rifles, a number of shotguns. . . What is wrong with that? If [...]

Everyday’s The Fourth Of July On Uncle Ted’s Tour Bus

A Ted Nugent concert is 75 percent hard-charging rock ‘n’ roll and 25 percent a celebration of red-white-and-blue values.

At the heart of his message is that our freedom can be taken away if it isn’t understood and defended. All Americans should be mindful of that danger this Independence Day.

In between rock anthems such [...]

NRA Opposes Kagan

There may be no vote a United States Senator casts that is more important than a vote to confirm a nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. Now that the Court has clearly stated that the Second Amendment is a fundamental, this site individual right that applies to all law-abiding Americans, dosage NRA members and gun [...]