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Something Completely Different
“Gun shop owner gets probation for buying stolen guns, find ” Eyewitness News ABC 13 tells us.
An Humble gun shop owner will not be going to prison for his connection to the sale of guns stolen from the Cleveland Police Department.
Stolen from the police? Who is in a position to do that?
The [...]
In another sideways attempt to remove the availability of firearms and ammunition, the Feds are considering a ban on lead bullets. – [source]
Several environmentalist groups led by the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) are petitioning the EPA to ban lead bullets and shot (as well as lead sinkers for fishing) under the Toxic Substances [...]
Ask any scout at the 2010 National Jamboree about his favorite activity and you’ll get a virtually unanimous answer, shooting. At this year’s 100th Anniversary Jamboree, airgun shooting is the domain of Crosman Corporation. Long known for innovation and quality in the shooting sports, Crosman began working with the Boy Scouts of America in the [...]
Say the National Rifle Association and many recall the image of Charlton Heston holding a rifle and proclaiming, nurse “From my cold dead hands.”
Today’s face of NRA members is growing considerably younger but are nevertheless just as vigilant when it comes to defending the Second Amendment.
“It’s like this: If you lose one right, [...]
As I was sitting in the “green room” at the FOX studios in New York City on June 23rd, this site 2010 John Stossel sat down beside me and asked in that famous Stossel tone , here “Armed American Radio?…So how can a radio…be armed”? I’m sure he took notice of the puzzled look on [...]
The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation (USSAF) and the Crosman Corporation have partnered to offer boy scouts from across the nation and around the world special passports that guides them through the 17- acre conservation trail that is part of the Boy Scouts’ National Jamboree.
Each scout that participated on the conservation trail will receive a [...]
During the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles in 1992, the one news report that stuck with me was how the Korean shop owners kept their premises safe from the marauding mobs.
The uprising was the reaction to the acquittal of four white police officers accused in the beating of King after his arrest a [...]
The United Nations is holding secret closed meetings to work out a global arms trade treaty. The agreement, which could be finished by 2012, is a threat to Americans’ Second and First Amendment rights.
“Some type of micro-stamping regulations seems all but inevitable. It is very, very likely,” the Heritage Foundation’s Theodore R. Bromund, who [...]
Not to take anything away from the boys but…no less than four out of 43 teams at the Daisy National BB Gun Championship Match, held in Rogers, Arkansas over the 4th of July weekend were all girl teams. Additionally, the Daisy Junior 3-P Precision & Sporter Air Rifle competition immediately followed the national 5-meter BB [...]
The Following is an up to the minute report from Julianne Versnel, order Director of Operations for the Second Amendment Foundation who is representing SAF as an NGO delegate at the United Nations ATT meeting.
The Arms Trade Treaty Prep Committee began on July 12, 2010 and will conclude on July 23, 2010. Ambassador Roberto [...]
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