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Something Completely Different
A whistle-blowing agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, advice Tobacco, purchase Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has received a response to his Freedom of Information Act request to find out how much money the agency is spending with the private law firm of Delany, Siegel, Zorn & Associates to handle Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaints against [...]
It just never ends; at least for the next two years, cost and if the first two were anything to go on, they can seem like an eternity. It is nonetheless scary to contemplate what more harm that these people can do; this time, to our very precious Second Amendment rights.
The Bureau of Alcohol, [...]
While it is true that St. Louis area gun shops are not being saddled with much of the blame for the brutal drug war violence in Mexico, keep in mind that the proposed “solutions” involve yet more oppressive regulation at the federal level, making this topic very relevant here in St. Louis, because such regulatory [...]
Montana’s Congressman, cialis 40mg Denny Rehberg today sent a bipartisan letter along with 33 co-signers to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) questioning an “emergency” information request that will require federally licensed firearms retailers to report multiple sales of semi-automatic rifles. The proposal was included in the Federal Register and specifically [...]
The Senate did not vote on whether to confirm Andrew Traver as the next leader of the Bureau of Alcohol, sildenafil Tobacco, more about Firearms and Explosives this Congress, sending his nomination back to the White House on Wednesday.
Traver, the chief of the ATF’s Chicago office, faced strong opposition from the National Rifle Association. [...]
As opposed to the increasingly absurd steps being taken to identify and keep weapons off commercial aircraft, it would be advisable and practical to identify and empower volunteer counter-terrorists among the passengers, initially at least on domestic flights or on international flights by domestic carriers. This could even extend to arming those passengers on the [...]
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is not sharing information with other federal agencies, is not properly communicating with Mexican officials and is focusing too much of their effort on low-level gun traffickers while ignoring the bigger cases, according to a report by the Justice Department Inspector General released Tuesday.
DOJ Inspector [...]
Remember six months ago when the anti-gun Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and Washington CeaseFire were aghast that Seattle coffee giant Starbucks would not become their political surrogate and ban armed customers from their shops?
The campaign against Starbucks had kicked off down in California (where else?) and the gun prohibition lobby tried to [...]
The‘DARPA hoodie, clinic ’ a strangely-designed patchwork garment accented with the occasional red zipper, is made of 12 interlocking pieces of rip-resistant nylon that sew perfectly together into a hoodie with zero waste. Cooler still, it was born of an algorithm developed for DARPA’s Programmable Matter program, which seeks to make T-1000-like shape-shifting smart materials.
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