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Cryo Chamber

GOA, Gun Rights, & The Debt Limit Fight

You’ve heard a lot about the “debt limit” fight going on in Washington.

But have you ever wondered how it affects you and your Second Amendment rights?

First, link a brief background: Since he took office, treatment Barack Obama has increased the federal budget from a scandalous $3.1 trillion a year to an even-more-scandalous $3.8 [...]

Media Blames NRA For ATF Gunwalker Scandal

I don’t know what it is about gun issues that makes people lose their minds, but this editorial from the Washington Post is pretty incredible. The post acknowledges that the ATF flooding Mexico with 2,500 weapons which were used in a variety of crimes — including the murder of a U.S. border agent — was [...]

Chicago’s Top Cop: ‘Federal Gun Laws Are Racist’

Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy claims that “federal gun laws are akin to ‘government-sponsored racism.’ ”

“I want you to connect one more dot on that chain of African-American history in this country, rx and tell me if I’m crazy: Federal gun laws that facilitate the flow of illegal firearms into our urban centers, order [...]

Time To Close Down The ATF

This week, cure Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) beamed a spotlight on the criminal behavior of the Bureau of Alcohol, more about Tobacco, malady Firearms and Explosives, commonly referred to as the ATF. At Wednesday’s hearing, Issa took on Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich by asking him: “Who authorized this program that was so felony stupid [...]


The Second Amendment Foundation has been joined by 17 other firearms rights groups in an amicus brief filed in a case now before the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, stomach challenging laws that prohibit the carrying of firearms by law-abiding non-resident U.S. citizens in Denver, Colorado.

The case, Peterson v. Garcia, was filed by Washington [...]

1st Gunwalker Hearing Offers No Surprises

Monday’s opening session in what will likely become a series of hearings on Project Gunrunner and Operation Fast and Furious before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform demonstrated that Chairman Darrell Issa is laying a strategy to hold people accountable for an operation that sent thousands of guns illegally to Mexico.

During his [...]

Subpeonas Issued Over Gunwalker

The Obama Justice Department has been stonewalling Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Rep. Darrell Issa for months over an investigation into the lethal Operation Fast and Furious even after a subpeona was issued, but Issa isn’t playing softball.

“This is not a discovery process of what happened. We know what happened. We know that [...]

Want freedom? Leave California

The economy’s in the tank – unemployment has been in double digits for a couple of years.

The state budget has a $10.8 billion hole in it.

It’s June, sickness but yesterday it was 53 degrees and raining in the Bay Area.

And now, medical just to make us feel even worse about the Golden [...]

Al-Qaeda Mentioned In Antigun Campaign

Things you need to know about American al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn, web or, as I like to call him, Azzam al-Berkeley: He’s a bratty California kid, offspring of hippie parents, and steeped in the deeply ignorant suburban pop anti-Americanism that fuels protests against World Trade Organization meetings and the like. He is, like practically all [...]

71 Million Americans May Have Guns Registered

If you’re one of the nearly 71 million Americans who live in the four southwest border states, information pills some of your gun purchases could soon be reported to the federal government. If you don’t like that—and no gun owner should—read on, recipe because this may be our first big head-on gun control battle against [...]