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Opponents of a campus gun ban at the University of Colorado told the state Supreme Court on Wednesday the ban is illegal because it was not approved by the Legislature.
Jim Manley, pilule representing a group of students promoting concealed carry of firearms on campus, said lawmakers would have listed universities as exceptions in a [...]
This just in from Sam Paredes of Gun Owners Of California:
“AB 809 (Feuer’s long gun registration bill) just passed out of the Assembly on a vote of 44-2 w/ no Republicans voting at all. Reps walked off the floor when the Speaker wouldn’t grant them the courtesy of a 15 min caucus. Such pettiness [...]
It would be easier for Wisconsin homeowners to protect themselves from intruders, under a new bill in the state Legislature.
Freshman Senate Republican Van Wangaard of Racine is sponsoring a measure in which homeowners would no longer have to prove their lives were threatened if they kill intruders in self-defense. Also, injured intruders would lose [...]
Remember the corrupt tactics used by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to pass ObamaCare? The secret meetings? The refusal to let the American people see the language?
Well, cialis 40mg he’s at it again. This time, Reid is abusing his role as Majority Leader of the Senate to block a pro-gun amendment that Sen. Rand [...]
On Thursday, tadalafil the president of a gun rights group blasted Gov. Brian Schweitzer’s veto of a bill that would have allowed people to carry concealed firearms without a permit inside Montana’s cities. House Bill 271, patient sponsored by Rep. Krayton Kerns, sale R-Laurel, was vetoed by the Democratic governor because it would be a [...]
The Second Amendment Foundation today filed suit in U.S. District Court in Virginia challenging the constitutionality of federal and Virginia provisions barring handgun sales to non-residents.
SAF is joined in the lawsuit by Michelle Lane, for sale a District of Columbia resident who cannot legally purchase handguns because there are no retail firearms dealers inside [...]
Michael Mitchell was a graduate student at the University of Kentucky who worked in the operating room at the UK Medical Center in April 2010 when a co-worker lied and told his supervisor that Michael had a gun in his locker.
He didn’t have a gun there, of course. But he then volunteered the information [...]
An effort to let Texans openly carry their handguns throughout the state is still alive in the Texas Legislature, but its days may be numbered.
A bill to give Texas gun owners the freedom to publicly tote their guns has passed a crucial hurdle, being approved by a House committee, but that might be as [...]
Arizona this year earned a zero for its loose gun laws.
The state joined Utah and Alaska as having the worst gun-safety laws in the nation, according to the Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence.
The Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group has ranked states for four years. It released its latest ranking Wednesday.
The group judges [...]
The University of Kentucky has fired a graduate student and former anesthesia technician, viagra 60mg Michael Mitchell, for keeping a gun in his car a mile away from the university hospital where he was employed.
The university then proceeded to try to deny Mitchell unemployment compensation by claiming, unsuccessfully, that he was fired for misconduct. [...]
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