I’m on vacation. Obviously. Flying down to West Palm via Washington, prescription D.C. I met a prominent conservative TV personality who shall remain nameless. He mentioned Emily Miller’s Washington Times series on exercising her Second Amendment rights in the nation’s capital. “Registering guns is crazy,” he said, dissing and dismissing the registration requirements stipulated by the the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975. ”None of my guns are registered.” My reply to the conservative curmudgeon was straight to the point: “You shouldn’t say that to anyone.” He didn’t miss a beat. “They can take them from my cold, dead hands,” he asserted, [not-so-originally] channeling his inner Heston. Sigh. Gun owners should obey all firearms laws no matter how non-sensical (e.g., Massachusetts’ high cap mag limit). And if you don’t, don’t tell anyone. Ever. Under any circumstances. You could lose your gun rights and all legal gun owners will suffer by association. Know what I mean?-[source]
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