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Cryo Chamber

“High Capacity Freedom”

By Alan Korwin

Legislators asked me to prepare this list.

By focusing on magazine size instead of ways to stop active shooters you jeopardize everyone’s safety.

Hoping to limit murderers by limiting magazines is irrational and hoplophobic.

Why have people picked a ten-round limit? Why not two?

Are they saying it’s OK to only kill ten people? That makes no sense.

Would you make police obey the same limit? Why not?

Parity with Police: The public faces the same criminals police do. Any restrictions for the public must match what police can use: The public is always first at the scene.

If you can’t justify impeding the police with ammunition limits, treat you cannot legitimately justify impeding the public that way.

What’s needed to stop rampages is not another law written on paper, but speedier law enforcement, or any armed people who can respond.

A criminal can’t legally have a magazine of any size. A law restricting size adds nothing.-[source]

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