The Second Amendment Foundation has filed an amicus curiae brief in the long-running Nordyke v. King case in California, troche arguing that Second Amendment issues must be decided on a “strict scrutiny” basis, more about and that an ordinance in Alameda County banning gun shows at the county fairgrounds is unconstitutional because it would not withstand that standard of review.
This case was a catalyst for the U.S. Supreme Court to hear SAF’s case challenging the handgun ban in Chicago, because in an earlier Nordyke ruling – subsequently set aside in favor of a full en banc hearing by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals – created a conflict in the circuits over Second Amendment incorporation.
SAF’s brief was written by attorney Alan Gura, who argued the landmark 2008 Heller case and represented SAF and its co-plaintiffs in the recent McDonald case, and is currently working with the foundation on other cases in Maryland, Illinois, New York and North Carolina.-[source]
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