On Thursday, Gun Owners of America had the important opportunity to testify concerning the Second Amendment views of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan.
William J. Olson, counsel of record on amicus briefs for GOA in both the Heller and McDonald Supreme Court cases, testified at the hearing that Kagan has demonstrated “visceral hostility” to the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
Moreover, Olson demonstrated that Elena Kagan’s view of rights is tied in directly to her view of Judicial Supremacy, that is, that our rights “are whatever a majority of the Supreme Court rules at a particular time in a particular case.”
But under that philosophy, Olson said, “what the Court grants, the Court may take away.”
So what’s the bottom line? “If Ms. Kagan does not know whether our inalienable rights to defend ourselves from criminals and tyrants comes from God — as the Declaration of Independence states — or from government, she cannot be trusted to protect our God-given right to self-preservation,” Olson concluded.
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